Thursday, May 27, 2010

Now Who Will Tell Me Why I'm Fat?

My favorite website in the world is It's a food blog full of dazzling pictures of the worst foods imaginable. It started out as a sort of gross-out site but in recent months the foods/recipes have gotten much more creative, even beautiful, if albeit horrible for you.

This site is like porn to me and I visit it almost on a daily basis. Yesterday I noticed the site was down and thought maybe it was temporary. Unfortunately it's still down today and when I wrote to the webmaster (don't laugh) he said the blog was either deleted or the url moved. This is Why You're Fat just came out with a book, I hope the site wasn't taken down to boast sales because that is just shitty.

Anyway, here's a compilation of my favorite photos from the site: Sushi peeps, Turtle bacon cheeseburgers, and deep fried stout beer cupcakes.

1 comment:

  1. Sushi Peeps! My 2 favorite words are EVEN BETTER when they are together!!!
